Jacksonville Jaguars Fans Receive Booster Shot Inside Stadium
Just recently the FDA and CDC has approved the booster shot of the COVID-19 vaccine for everyone 18 and older, claims News4jax. Having a free clinic next to a popular attraction for people 18 and up makes getting this booster shot more accessible and convenient. Regular vaccines were also offered for children 5 and up alongside the booster. William Higgens, a Jacksonville Jaguars fan, was at the game of November 21st and says, “It’s convenient just coming to the stadium and then not paying an arm and a leg for a booster shot,” As the holidays are approaching, health officials are urging everyone that’s able to get the vaccine as gathers and traveling increase. There should also be more clinics at future games to offer the same shots. Protecting one’s health is top priority in this world, especially with a global pandemic, and these stadium pop-up clinics will help speed up the process of securing the safety of others.
More Information:
Jaguars fans get a boost at free vaccine clinic inside stadium (news4jax.com)
By: Caroline Triplett