The Information War

As the war between Russia and Ukraine rages in Kyiv, a new kind of war has lit up online. Reliable information regarding the invasion has become practically unobtainable, as both sides scramble to hide their national secrets from prying eyes impatient to post anything they can catch on social media. Meanwhile, western media companies like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter have moved to ban Russian state media on their site to prevent misinformation from spreading. Such a massive war occurring in a country with widely available internet means that even small things like a video of troops and tanks moving along a street can have disastrous military consequences for either side. As such, checking sources and not accidentally spreading misinformation is imperative for everyone across the globe.

Russia’s misinformation blitz picks up during Ukraine invasion | Washington Examiner

What social media platforms are doing to stop misinformation about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (

By: Arda Can Utkan