
Are Blue Light Glasses Worth It? 

   Recently students have been buying blue light glasses for many purposes with technology. People seem to think there are benefits to blue light glasses, including preventing eye strain. Although there are reviews saying that they help people study or use technology without harming your eyesight; doctors seem to think otherwise. Many doctors say they don’t benefit you at all, and don’t recommend any special eyewear.  

   So, when people think they work, what is really happening? Doctors say it is more psychological. Many people have been going through the placebo effect, where people think their mental or physical health appears to approve after taking a placebo or ‘dummy’ treatment. Despite lacking scientific evidence to support that the blue light glasses lessen eye strain, people are still buying them due to marketing. If there is a reduction in eyestrain, it is probably other factors.   

By: Alannah Bertram 
