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    Studying Tips and Tricks

    Since school was out for so long due to the pandemic, many students are still having trouble getting back into the rhythm of school. Here are some useful tips for studying and staying organized By: Mary Vega

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    Re-opening Florida: Phase 3

    In the end of September Governor Ron Desantis announced that Florida was going to begin phase 3 of reopening the state. What does this mean for Florida residents? Phase 3 was to begin when there was no evidence of a rebound or resurgence of cases By: Caitlyn Gillette

  • Nease News,  News

    Poetry Out Loud Competition

    The old POL contest becomes something new. In this contest students recite poems from memory and earn a certain amount of points, the two students with the most points move on to the next level which is regionals, then nationals. The competition has different prizes for the winners and will be given out at the end of the contest, but there is a huge barrier for the students who want to participate. Not only is this the first time Nease is participating in this contest, but it is also all virtual this year, which is going to make it hard for competitors to compete. By: Sierra Linton

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    Theme Parks Reopen: Business and Safety in a Pandemic

    Ever since the beginnings of lockdown throughout the world, it was clear that businesses would have to fight tooth and nail to keep themselves running in a pandemic where basic interaction was limited. In few places has this struggle been more apparent than in the reopening of theme parks in Orlando, primarily Disney and Universal. As the famous economic dynamos of Northeastern Florida, the parks’ need to adapt and return to business as usual in a quick fashion was top priority to management of both parks. As a result, both parks are now open for people to return with new regulations and new concerns about their effectiveness. By: Arda Can…

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    Her Writes, Your Choice

    Due to the recent times we have all been forced into, people of all ages have been trying to find ways to keep themselves busy and entertained. A popular choice has been involved with the Harry Potter franchise, created by the author J.K. Rowling. Although, due to its new found popularity, it’s authors past transphobic remarks have now been brought into harsh light. By: Tristan Skees

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    Spooky Fun Fest

    As you all may know, for the past few months the whole world has been suffering through a deadly pandemic called Covid-19. With that said, people were still looking forward to October's annually celebrated holiday: Halloween! Since Halloween is typically celebrated by going outdoors, I imagined that there would be more people staying home for safety purposes. But staying home this year didn't have to put a stop to anyone's spooky festivities! I am here to share some of the many activities that could've been done indoors this year.  By: Victoria Homm

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    Holiday Bingo!

    Use the reading card to earn prizes!   1 line of bingo – $5 Starbucks gift card 2 lines of bingo – $10 Tropical Smoothie or Starbucks gift card 3 lines of bingo – $15 gas gift card 4 lines of bingo – Olive Garden catered lunch with a friend in the media center and a FREE BOOK Black Out (the whole board) – ALL OF THE ABOVE Books MUST be documented on the “Holiday Reading Log” and submitted along with a copy of the Bingo Board. All forms due to Mrs. Milian in the Media Center by January 8th, 2021. Check the Media Center website for more information or…

  • Archives,  Front Page,  News

    A House Divided

    Former vice president and current democratic presidential nominee Joseph Biden,, will face off against incumbent Donald Trump, on November 3rd. Each has rallied their supporting base and respective endorsements hoping to triumph this Tuesday. By: Max Grzymkowski (cover photo: NBC News)