Nease News,  Stories

Marching Band Season Finished

      The Nease Panther Pride Marching Band has officially ended its 2023 season of their show “Hope Springs Eternal”. The marching band has competed in 3 main competitions including MPA, the Florida Bandmaster’s Association Music Performance Assessment. Each season, the band is given music to learn the show and they perform the show at football games and at competitions. The first two competitions took place at Tocoi and Fleming Island high school, while the third competition, Bands of America, was held in Atlanta Georgia. MPA, the final performance of their season, was less of a competition but more like a performance test that the band would perform in front of a judge, and this was held at Bartram Trail high school. Flute section leader Ethan Diachun said that his favorite memory of the season was, “…the whole band went to Medieval Times on our Atlanta trip for our BOA competition. It was so much fun cheering on our knight while hanging out and talking with all my friends. GO BLUE KNIGHT!!!” 

By: Veronica Quintin