
Best Buy Closings

Children and students have become extremely tech savvy over the past couple decades, having it integrated into every part of their lives from school to work to entertainment and keeping up with their social lives. As such the mysterious and sudden closure of dozens of Best Buy locations across nearly half a dozen states may prove to be a shock. The nearest of these shutdown locations, being in Jacksonville, could potentially be a sign of what is to come. Best Buy’s stock prices have fallen, and the future looks gray, as executives declined to provide a forecast for their future. Many believe the shutdowns are due to COVID-19, as statics show a growth in online business, while brick and mortar retailers are left floundering. Along with Best Buy, over 8,000 stores from major retailers closed in 2020, and others, such as J Crew and JCPenney filed for bankruptcy. We can only hope that if COVID-19 is the cause of these closures, we can eradicate it before more arise.

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