
COVID-19 Booster Shot

Many people, ever since receiving their COVID-19 vaccines, have been curious about the possible need for a yearly booster shot. A booster shot is just a supplementary dose of an immunizing agent that helps protect immunization from whatever disease or virus, in this case, COVID-19.

As more and more people have been vaccinated in the U.S., more research has been conducted regarding whether or not a yearly booster shot will be needed to retain immunity from COVID-19. It has been proven that the booster shots will not be necessary because the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are proving to be very effective in protection from getting the virus. They are currently being proven that they work in the long term more than most scientists originally anticipated, therefore only possibly needing a booster shot once every few years rather than every few months or every year. 

To add onto this, a recent study conducted also shows that those who have been infected with the virus and then later vaccinated will have a lesser need for booster shots. This is due to the supply of antibodies they most likely already have from their previous infection. If someone has not yet been infected with the virus and then vaccinated, they will be the people with more of a need to receive yearly booster shots. 

If this does prove to be true, then significantly less money would be spent on these doses and more money could go into other fields of research for COVID, such as continuing to find the exact origins of the virus or to researching for other possible solutions to the virus outbreak.
