
Has Kanye West Changed His Name for the Second Time?

Kanye West is an American songwriter, producer, and rapper who has recently stirred up controversial topics in the news and various social media platforms because of his questionable commentary. In 2018 Kanye formally announced his name change to ye, an abbreviated version of Kanye. Now, in 2022 an article in The Beaverton by Eric Turkienicz claims Kanye has changed his name to Yitler. The Beaverton provides a quote from Kanye explaining the rumored name change, “ ‘I live my life and I live my truth. And it’s important to me to make sure my identity honours the two people I admire the most: myself and Adolf Hitler,’ expounded Yitler from within the recesses of his own crumbling reality.” However Karishma Rao on “fact checked” Kanye’s change to Yitler and claims this is false and he did not legally change his name. Rao explains the confusion was just a rumor because, “the controversial rapper considering he has been repeatedly making jarring anti-Jew remarks.” 

By: Caroline Triplett

More Information:

Fact Check: Did Kanye actually change his name to Yitler? (

Kanye changes name to Yitler – The Beaverton

Kanye West asks court to legally change his name to Ye (