
Miss Nease Pageant

Miss Nease, a yearly pageant for junior girls is just around the corner. On April 22nd over 20 ladies are competing in the pageant. This is possibly a record for the most girls to compete in this in Nease history. To spice up the competition talents include signing, dancing, theatre performances, and American signing. The pageant lasts about 2 hours. The girls first perform an opening number, then present they’re evening gowns, perform their talent, and answer a question that has to do with today’s economy. There’s this huge misconception that these pageants revolve around the prettiest girl, which is entirely incorrect. In fact, the judges look for the most mannered, educated, respectful, and helpful lady towards the community. If you’re interested in purchasing a ticket for Miss Nease stay tuned for updates! Here is some top models tips and tricks