
Side effects of the Vaccine

After the rise of COVID-19, over 82.6 million vaccines have been administered worldwide. However, with new vaccines comes multiple risks. People who’ve received the vaccines have been reporting enlarged lymph nodes in armpits and neck. Lymph nodes are part of the immune system and contain white blood cells used for fighting infections. Health officials became concerned when patients reported enlarged lymph nodes after receiving the vaccine. These swollen lymph nodes can be mistaken for cancerous breast lumps on a mammogram. The FDA released a statement explaining 16% of Moderna recipients reported underarm swelling after receiving the vaccine. Dr. Melissa Chen reassures patients that, “This should not prevent patients from getting the vaccine.” She also emphasizes that these “lumps” are normal and shouldn’t raise concern. Even with the side effects, over 1.6 million vaccines are administered daily. Nease student, Miranda Howley says, “I experienced no side effects and was grateful to get the vaccine.”