One Of The Greats
By: Donovan Germain (Web Editor) Kobe Bryant, one of the most famous NBA players of all time, along with his thirteen year old daughter, died in a helicopter crash in Calabasa, California on Sunday at the age of 41. (Cover Photo: CBS)
Remembering Challenger
By: Max Grzymkowski (Poll Supervisor) "The future doesn't belong to the fainthearted; it belongs to the brave. The Challenger crew was pulling us into the future, and we'll continue to follow them." -Ronald Reagan (Cover Photo: NASA)
The End (Of School) Is Near
By: Mary Vega (Web Editor) The third quarter is upon us at Nease High School, and even though some people are already dreaming of summer, we still have a lot to do until the long-awaited last day of school. (Cover Photo: Mary Vega)
Personal Space
By: Marco Ugalde (Web Editor) Everyone knows that the U.S., Russia, and China are the top dogs in space, but who else is conquering the stars and what have they been working on? (Cover Photo: The New Yorker)
Some Of Our Picks: The Top Movies of The Decade
By: Tyler Heineman (Staff Reporter) and Jaden Conroy (Layout Editor) As the 2010's end and the 2020's begin, it is time to go over, in our opinion, some of the top movies of the decade. (Cover Photo: Forbes)
Impeachment: What Does It Mean?
By: Brady Lorch (Web Editor-in-Chief) With the trial comes a lot of political talk and even more misunderstanding. Make sure you know what impeachment really means and how it works. (Cover Photo: USA Today)
Fire Down Under
By: Max Grzymkowski (Poll Supervisor) Since the start of September 2019, rapid and ever-growing wildfires have raged across the country of Australia, killing an unbelievably massive amount of wildlife, destroying thousands of acres and costing the lives of about 28 firemen and civilians. (Cover Photo: NBC News)
Crisis In Iran
By: Mia Sarmiento (Layout Editor) Early, on Wednesday, January 8, 2020 more than a dozen ballistic missiles targeted two Iraqi air bases. The Asad and Erbil air bases were housing U.S. military forces when the attacks took place. (Cover Photo: CNN)
Nease’s New Dance
By: Abbi Donaldson (Wired Correspondent) Traditionally, boys ask girls to school dances, but this year there’s a twist. Nease is having it’s first ever MORP, inspired by “Sadies Hawkins” dances. MORP is not just “prom” backwards, but also the exact opposite of it. For this dance, the girls have to ask the guys to be their date. Nease’s new dance will be held on February 8 in the gym.
Florida Passes New Law Requiring Mental Health Education
By: Mary Vega (Web Editor) In May of 2019, Florida Legislature signed Senate Bill 7030 into law. This law requires that every student enrolled in a Florida public school from middle to high school will receive at least 5 hours of mental health education each school year. (Cover Image Source: National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners)