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    Bullying in Today’s World

    By: Bella Ibrahim (News Editor) Bullying has been a problem across the United States for a long time.  While rates of physical bullying have gone down across the past seventy years, verbal rates have stayed around the same, and new technology causes a new problem: cyberbullying.  Sixteen percent of high school students have experienced cyberbullying in just the past year, and this problem is...

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    Better Together

    By: Nicole Scarbrough (Sports Editor) There has never been a more distressed time period in modern history. America has become a nation divided by an extreme difference in ideologies, to the point where a simple discussion cannot be held between either dominant party. The agreement that the government deals with domestic issues isn't unheard of to any political party, regardless of their respective belief system. But while our foreign...

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    I Remember Mama

    By: Julia Jordan (Entertainment Editor) Nease’s drama department is gearing up for their newest play, "I Remember Mama." The play is set to premiere on October 19 and continue through October 22 in the Performing Arts Center. The Thursday, Friday, and Saturday showcases will begin at 7:00 p.m. and the Sunday showcase will begin at 2:00 pm. Tickets for the show can be purchased for $5 per ticket...

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    2017 Sports In Review

    By: Hannah Favorite Nease High school students are involved in countless sports teams, their hard-work and dedication has taken some teams to districts, states, or even nationals. After school, countless hours of practice were put into this

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    Fake News

    By: Fara Supre and Dasha Charapko Fake news. These two words are paradoxical in nature, considering that Merriam Webster Dictionary defines journalism as “writing characterized by a direct presentation of facts or description of events without an attempt at interpretation.” In other words, a proper journalist presents facts in a non-biased way -- News! However, in recent times, differentiating between credible and non-credible news may not...

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    Hey Batter Batter, SWING!

    By: Bailey Peacock Nease baseball is swinging into action; they have currently won 7 of the 12 games played.  The season began in January and will continue until May.  Nease High School boys experienced a hard loss to their strongest rival, the Ponte Vedra Sharks, during their football season, and have redeemed themselves by taking the victory in their basketball season.  Now to end the year, the baseball players were put to the...

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    Beat The Test!

    By: Denise Uy As students head into 4th quarter, teachers begin to steer their classes into review mode. In addition to the stress of the usual exams, final exams usually cover a broad range of course material that students may not have retained over the course of the school year. Reviewing and preparing for every nook and cranny of a class’s course material may be tedious and unnecessary, so here are some tips and tricks to...