Nease News
Caring for the Community with Beaches Go Green
Are you interested in learning how you can make Earth a cleaner and more sustainable place to live? Then Beaches Go Green is the right club for you!
Nease Swim and Dive Compete at States
On Saturday, November 11th, the Nease Swim and Dive team competed at their state championship meet in Ocala, Florida.
Marching Band Season Finished
The Nease Panther Pride Marching Band has officially ended its 2023 season of their show “Hope Springs Eternal”.
Marching Band Season Finished
The Nease Panther Pride Marching Band has officially ended its 2023 season of their show “Hope Springs Eternal”.
Track-Or-Treat Recapped
This past Thursday, Track or Treat took place on the Nease track.
Media Center Closes for the Year
Something that most students can agree on is that the media center has a lot to offer.
Pylons & Pom Poms
As Tom Brady once said, “If you don’t play to win, don’t play at all.”
Relay to Rally Against Cancer!
The Nease Relay for Life is set to take place on Saturday, April 22nd, and is sure to be a fun, action-packed event full of passionate students and volunteers.
Panthers, Meet Your New Athletic Director!
The role of an athletic director is not for the faint of heart. Their role consists of overseeing all elements of an athletic program like organizing events such as fundraisers, managing budgets, ordering equipment, hiring coaches and other sports personnel, and promoting the school’s sports. After a long and thorough process, Nease welcomed Chris Gallagher in early January to fulfill this role as the new athletic director.
Class of 2023 information!
With the fourth quarter on its way there are many things and pieces of information our Nease seniors need to know to prepare!